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Frequently Asked Questions

If there are any other questions you have, contact us here with your question(s).

  • Is PBS Impact Foundation Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit?
    Yes, the PBS Impact Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit. Under this federal tax code, donations made by individuals and other organizations to the PBS Impact Foundation are tax-deductible. Each person or entity should consult a tax advisor to determine their eligibility for such deductions.
  • Can my donation be specified to be used for a specific cause?
    Absolutely. Honoring a donor’s intent is a priority for the foundation. If you make your gift to be used for a specific purpose – say for scholarships – then we will use it for the sole purpose of supporting our scholarship efforts. Donors are always encouraged to give to our general fund, as we will use those funds to support a pressing need, such as disaster relief or a health crisis.
  • Is there a minimum donation amount?
    There is no minimum amount you can donate to the foundation, and we appreciate anything our supporters can share. Patrons are encouraged to give any amount they are comfortable with and will make the impact that is it intended to.
  • How do we get information on the impact of our donation?
    The foundation looks forward to keeping in touch with our donors, to share how their contribution has impacted those who need our help the most. Donors will receive newsletters and other communications from the foundation, so we all can celebrate making an impact on the community together.
  • Can I donate something other than money?
    The PBS Impact Foundation can accept a variety of gifts, up to and including stocks, bonds, cryptocurrency, automobiles, real estate, and almost anything of value. Donors can also leave a bequest for the foundation in their estate, or can take out life insurance policies where the foundation is the beneficiary. If you have questions about leaving a specific gift, please contact us at

PBS Impact Foundation

Improving the the outcomes of communities that need it the most

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth."


Muhammad Ali

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